Rules and Policies
At Renaissance Productions, our mission is to deliver a safe, clean, and enchanting experience for family entertainment. To ensure that all our guests have a magical time at our faires, we ask everyone to adhere to the following rules and policies.
We ask that guests conduct themselves in a family-friendly manner Disruptive or offensive behavior is strictly prohibited. Guests who appear intoxicated, under the influence of illegal substances or exhibit any other illicit or belligerent behavior will be escorted out without refund and/or turned over to the proper authorities.
Dress Guidelines:
- All period-appropriate weapons must be peace-tied; ask a staff member at the fron gate for assistance.
Patrons are encouraged to wear family-friendly attire during their visit to the Faire. For everyone's safety, shirts and shoes are required at all times. Clothing with rude, vulgar, or offensive language or imagery is not allowed. Guests may be subject to a search if wearing multiple layers. We reserve the right to refuse entry or remove anyone wearing inappropriate attire or anything that may detract from the experience of others.
If a guest's outfit violates our dress code, they will be asked to make necessary adjustments or may be escorted off the Faire grounds.
Yes, we love cosplay.
Renaissance Productions enforces a strict zero-tolerance policy regarding offensive language. Any visitor using profanity, abusive language, or making inappropriate symbols or gestures will be removed from the premises without a refund.
Smoking: Smoking of tobacco, e-cigarettes, or other products that produce a vapor or smoke are allowed only in designated smoking areas.
Supervision of Underage Guests: Please supervise your young ones. Guests under 14 years old must be accompanied by someone 18 or older to enter the park. If you become separated from someone in your care, please seek assistance from the nearest staff member. We also suggest choosing a central meeting spot ahead of time in case anyone in your group gets lost.
Commercial Photography:
Commercial photography of any kind is strictly prohibited without prior written consent from Renaissance Productions management.
Alcohol Consumption:
Alcoholic beverages purchased must be consumed on premises of the faire. No outside alcohol is permitted. All patrons are required to produce valid ID to purchase adult beverages. No one under the age of 21 will be served. Please drink responsibly.
Service animals are welcome, but all other pets and animals are not allowed. Service animals must be kept on a leash or in a harness and remain under the owner's control at all times. Please do not leave animals unattended around the park's perimeter or on nearby sidewalks; if this occurs, the appropriate authorities will be contacted.
Inclement Weather:
Renaissance Productions reserves the right to temporarily shut down during electrical storms, heavy rain, high winds or otherwise dangerous weather conditions. There are no refunds for inclement weather.
Restricted Items:
The following items are not allowed on faire site:
Firearms, knives, razor blades, and any other items that could cause harm are strictly prohibited.
All period-appropriate weapons must be peace-tied; ask a staff member at the fron gate for assistance.
Drones and remote-controlled toys are not allowed. Bicycles, skateboards, rollerblades, scooters, and shoes with wheels are also prohibited.
Glass containers (excluding small ones like baby food jars) are not permitted due to safety concerns.
Any items deemed potentially harmful or disruptive will be prohibited.
Bag Checks:
All people, bags, and items may be subject to security checks at the entrance and within the park. We reserve the right to refuse entry of any item and handle unattended objects as needed. Please leave unnecessary items in your car and secure valuables in your trunk.
Acceptable Outside Refreshments:
We offer a variety of fresh, delicious food for our guests to enjoy at concession stands throughout our Faire; however, we understand that guests may need to bring outside food and drink into our Faire. Please note the following guidelines for bringing food and drink into our park:
Acceptable items:
Any food required for medical purposes and medically–indicated nutritional supplements
Any food required for special dietary needs
Baby food/baby formula
Prohibited items:
Picnic lunches
Food that requires heating or refrigeration
Alcohol and glass containers (excluding baby food jars)
Restricted/Backstage Areas:
Restricted areas are off limits to visitors. Guests attempting to enter restricted areas will be escorted from the Faire.
First Aid Station:
Medical personnel are on duty at all times during operating hours. Ask any employee for assistance or directions.
Lost & Found:
Renaissance Productions is not responsible for lost and stolen personal items but, we will do everything we can to help you recover your property. For assistance please visit Lost & Found, located at will call at the front gate.
Prohibited Activities:
The following activities are not allowed at the faire:
Selling or displaying goods or services of any kind.
Distributing printed or recorded materials.
Interacting with other guests or disrupting operations while impersonating or portraying any character in costume.
Holding unauthorized events, demonstrations, or speeches, or using flags, banners, or signs for commercial purposes or to incite a crowd.
Feeding animals in the park, including birds.
Taking photographs, videos, or recordings for commercial use.
Engaging in any unsafe activities or actions that could disrupt the park's operations or facilities.
Law Compliance:
In addition to our Code of Conduct, guests are required to follow all local, state and federal laws, rules and on-site instructions.
Company Rights:
We may take photos, film, record, or otherwise capture the image and/or voice of anyone entering the park and use these for any purpose without compensation.
We reserve the right to refuse entry or ask anyone already inside the park to leave without refund or compensation if we deem it necessary.
Park rules and regulations may change without prior notice.
For any questions, please email info@renprod.com